100% online
Learn on your own time
9 months, 15-20 hours/week
Next cohort:
To be determined
Waitlist open

Why choose an online software engineering bootcamp?

Software engineering is at the forefront of shaping the digital landscape. Skilled software engineers and developers are responsible for crafting the intricate code and programs that drive websites, applications, games, operating systems, and various other technologies. This field presents an evergreen career path, as per the projections by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), which anticipates a 25% surge in job opportunities through 2031. In just nine months, you can immerse yourself in this promising profession with the Loyola University New Orleans bootcamp, accessible entirely online.

The time to embrace software engineering has never been more opportune, especially with advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, automation, and virtual reality (VR). Our Software Engineering Bootcamp, conducted entirely online, equips you with the sought-after skills that employers seek out, and you can complete the bootcamp in less than a year, setting your own pace and even the option to finish ahead of schedule.

Software Engineering Career Growth

While low-code or no-code tools gain traction, the BLS predicts a shortage of 1.2 million software developers by 2026. Specializing in software engineering can lead to lucrative salaries in the IT industry. During Loyola's Software Engineering Bootcamp, you'll discover various roles that align better with your skills and interests. Here are five top software engineering positions with projected salary ranges.

Software Engineering careers


The Software Engineering Bootcamp prepares you to secure your first engineering job post-graduation and involves coding projects and exercises that mirror the tasks of software engineers in their daily work. These portfolio-grade projects showcase your end-to-end development skills to potential employers. Check out some of the curriculum units below:

NEW! AI for Engineers: Prompt Engineering

Since the arrival of OpenAI’s GPT-3, there has been an increased awareness of the crucial role prompts play in shaping language model outputs. In this unit, you’ll gain an understanding of how language models like GPT-3 and GPT-4 work through interactive exercises, videos, and quizzes.

  • Learn techniques and best practices for crafting effective prompts to achieve desired outcomes from language models like Chat-GPT

  • Leverage prompts to assist with the process of efficient coding

Front-end Development with JavaScript
  • Use JavaScript to create reactive web applications utilizing the Document Object Model

  • Maintain and share your code with GitHub and the Command Line

  • Ensure accuracy and functionality in your programs with testing best practices

  • Learn Object-Oriented Programming, the most popular programming paradigm

  • Understand how the web works through various protocols and APIs

  • Complete two large scale projects

Back-end Development with Python and Flask
  • Create fully functional web applications with Python and the Flask microframework

  • Learn best practices for writing professional-grade back-end Python code Store data in databases using SQL and SQLAlchemy

  • Design database schemas

  • Add authentication, authorization, hashing, and log-in to your applications for heightened security

  • Deploy your Flask applications with Heroku

  • Create a clone of Twitter

Back-end Development with Node.js
  • Utilize Node and Express to do back-end development with JavaScript

  • Learn testing best practices

  • Set up routes with Express

  • Connect PostgreSQL to your Express applications

  • Validate the data being sent to an API

  • Complete a large scale Node/Express application

Front-end Development with React.js
  • Learn the ins and outs of React.js - an in-demand JavaScript library - including component design and state management

  • Test your React applications

  • Set up routes in React using the React Router library

  • Complete a large scale Node/Express application

  • Create a custom project of your choice in React

Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Use BigO notation to create applications with optimal runtimes

  • Learn the sorting and search algorithms most likely to appear on a job interview

  • Understand data structures such as stacks, queues, hash tables, trees, graphs, and more

Custom Capstone and Hands-on Projects

Showcase your abilities with practical, hands-on projects, and upon completion, craft a personalized capstone using the tech stack you prefer. This capstone project will take center stage in your portfolio, highlighting your expertise. Take a look at the descriptions of the portfolio projects below:

Capstone project

In this 40-60 hour project, you’ll choose a language and framework of your choice and create a database-driven web application. You’ll go through ideation, API selection, database design, coding, polishing, and finally documenting the project. This will showcase all of the skills you’ve learned in the course.


In this 20-25 hour project, you’ll create a web application similar to Indeed - where users can go find jobs. You’ll create an API, create a data model for users and jobs, build out the back and front end, and add authentication into the app.

Warbler - A Twitter Clone

In this 20-25 hour project, you’ll create a clone of Twitter and add in some new functionality. This will require you to read a codebase you are unfamiliar with and extend functionality - a common task for developers in the real world.

Hack-or-Snooze - A HackerNews Clone

In this 15-hour project, you’ll create a clone of HackerNews and add in functionality to allow a user to add stories, favorite stories, and delete them. You will also add in log-in and authentication.

Student support

While you’re learning online, you'll have a full team of human support behind you. These include:

  • 1:1 Industry Mentor: Throughout your online learning journey, you'll be assigned a dedicated mentor who will conduct regular 1:1 video calls. They will offer valuable feedback on your projects, assist in overcoming obstacles, and provide career advice along with industry insights.

  • Student Advisors: Our team of student advisors is here to support you. Feel free to reach out to them with any questions regarding accountability, time management, or any other concerns that arise during the course.

  • 1:1 Career Coach: Avail yourself of optional career coaching sessions, designed to assist you in navigating the different stages of your job search.

  • Online Community: Engage with your peers in the online community, initiate discussions about the projects you are working on, and receive constructive feedback from others.

Online mentorship

1:1 Mentorship with an Industry Expert

Mentorship is crucial in our software engineering bootcamp, and only one of every 12 applicants is hired. You'll meet regularly with your mentor and can connect with other mentors in our community at no extra cost.

Meet our mentors:

Peter Nsaka
Software Engineer
Skye Nguyen
Sr Software Engineer
John Newton
Sr Controls Software Engineer
Sonia RM Karungi
Web Developer

Is this program right for you?

No prior programming knowledge required! If you possess basic skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can test into an accelerated Core version of the curriculum.

For those without coding experience, our Foundations+Core version of the program provides comprehensive learning to ensure your success.


What is software engineering?

Software Engineering is the applied use of programming languages and engineering principles to create software products and applications for consumer use. Any website or application that you have interacted with in your life was developed by software engineers. They may also create more complex software, like a computer operating system, although this course is focused on the development of applications and websites.

What does a software engineer do?

Software engineers write and test the code that creates our digital world. An application may have thousands of files, and software engineers are responsible for creating those files and ensuring that they run correctly. They may also be responsible for the deployment of code to a server and for debugging, maintaining, and upgrading live applications.

How to become a software engineer?

To become a software engineer you must learn how to code in an in-demand language. You also must have an eye-catching portfolio of work that will land you an interview, and an understanding of how the technologies you work with function. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a Computer Science degree to become a software engineer - you just need to be good at programming!

What type of jobs can you do after a software engineering bootcamp?

After this Software Engineering Bootcamp, you’ll be ready for a number of careers paths in the tech industry. You’ll be able qualified for jobs as a software engineer, full-stack developer, back-end developer, front-end developer, or web developer - to name a few

Is software engineering hard?

Software engineering is challenging, but anyone can learn how to do it with grit and determination. Creating programs is not as complicated as it may seem, but debugging programs to ensure they work properly can be a very strenuous process. Even professional developers have challenges, software engineering is a lifelong journey.

What is the salary of a software engineer?

Software engineering is one of the highest-paying professions in the world. Entry-level engineers often make salaries in the high 5 figure range, or even the low 6 figure range. Skilled engineers can command extremely high annual salaries, especially in areas like San Francisco or New York.

Is software engineering in high demand?

Software Engineering has never been in higher demand. The growth of technology is outpacing the number of qualified engineers, and it is only going to keep rising. Although getting your foot in the door will require a lot of legwork, job security is extremely high in this lucrative field.

How quickly can I become a software engineer?

It all depends on how much time you put in! Although there are many paths to becoming an engineer, this Software Engineering bootcamp has a proven track record of upskilling students into quality jobs within 13 months of starting the course. It generally takes 9 months to complete the course, and then several months of job searching and interviewing to land a job.

More questions about the program?

Speak to our enrollment team by completing an application, email Carolina, our enrollment assistant, or explore more frequently asked questions

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